Open Questions

An important goal of the study is to develop community consensus on the key questions that need to be addressed in this area (i.e., can we agree upon the set of questions that, if answered, would make a significant difference?). These questions should provide guidance for research and priorities for funding.

We need several kinds of input on these questions:


  1. How do we organize, manage, and analyze layering for cooperative fault mitigation?

  2. How do we best accommodate repair?

  3. What is the right level of filtering at each level of the hierarchy?

  4. Can we establish a useful theory and collection of design patterns for lightweight checking?

  5. What would a theory and framework for expressing and reasoning about differential reliability look like?

  6. Can a scalable theory and architectures that will allow adaptation to various upset rates and system reliability targets be developed?


Discussion on ideas for writing questions is on this page.

Questions (last edited 2009-01-25 14:58:13 by AndreDeHon)